Tag Archives: abs

Abs Are made in the kitchen!

23 Dec
Technogym Safety dumbbells for the wrist

Sometimes I find it difficult to convince people that Abs are not made in the gym? Maybe because there are so many videos on Youtube on shredding the abs and so little about how to eat to shredded abs. Or maybe it’s as simple as most people are not willing to sacrifice good food. Be honest, would you trade in your Bolognese Meatball Spaghetti for a bowl of tasteless oatmeal everyday? I guess most of us choose to be ignorant or just don’t want to accept the truth.

My Favourite Machine.. Cable Machine

Well, I choose to talk about this topic again because I’ve been confronting a lot of people who loves to ask me, “What is the best exercise for abs?” or simply just follow exactly what I do in the gym. But unfortunately they can’t mimic exactly what I do at home or outside of the gym and even my diet. It’s not about what you do in the gym that can help you obtain the washboard. Nor would performing crunches, situps and Leg lifts 1000 reps a day help to bring our the 6 packs. The only way  is to be disciplined with the diet and watch what you eat. Without which the hard earn abs will only be hidden beneath the fats around the belly. So there is absolutely no point in following exactly what the other guy in the gym with ripped abs is doing when you only know what he’s doing in the gym.

it’s not bout the stack.. it’s the technique

You’ve got to sacrifice something in order to gain the other. So you have to start off with a proper nutrition. See a proper nutritionist if you are confuse about which food is real diet and which isn’t. Don’t be surprise that there are foods being promoted as healthy aren’t actually delivering what they promised as there are hidden sugars, fats and even carbohydrates. Understand your food and what is the ingredient before you pour it down the throat.

Eat your way to 6 packs

What that abs? Then you’ve gotta start on a new diet 1st.

Why I choose to Change my Life? Big Questions : Easy Answers

9 Nov
Muscle in the dark

It’s a question a lot of people would ask me. As much as those who would ask me how to get the 6 packs washboard I figure. There is always “WHY?” but the answers never have to be as complicated.

Being a responsible person to those I love and care for a start. The society is facing a crisis now. Health crisis and lifestyle crisis. Due to the every growing of technology and modernization of the society living expenses have increased and more and more people are trapped in the web of money slavery. It’s never enough. People’s are clouded by means of how to earn more and to live more luxuriously. Turning to fast food and easily accessible unhealthy selection as not to lose out on any time available to earn more money. Sleeping less and stressing more. I’ve witness a lot of the people around me being caught in this web and unfortunately the toll didn’t take long to arrive. Having diagnose with diseases such as diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, gout and etc at a young age which prevents them from enjoying their life to the fullest as there are too many restrictions to follow. Worst of all they would be a burden to those who cares for them. I’m not saying it’s a burden to take care of those we cherish and love as it’s our responsibility to love them and care for them. But I don’t wish to be someone’s burden.

Checking out my Arms before my Mr Miri 2011

Have you ever notice each time after a meal you feel tired and drowsy? Especially after a heavy buffet. I hate that feeling cause it’s preventing me from being efficient and lots of happening things in life like spending time with my family or people I love. And knowing that it was all in the food, I made some research and it’s all bout the carbs.. WRONG CARBS that is!! I was taking in too much simple carbs which slows down the metabolism way too much. (P.S. I used to eat 3 plates of white rice each meal – LOL) Remember : You are What You EAT!

Then being a slacker was very taxing on my self-confidence. My self esteem was really low at that time. The world is a very material world where everything thing is visual. My ex- used to squeeze my tummy and start calling me fatty and all. lol. I weren’t ever really fat. Just soft and cuddly. LOL. But the fact that if you walk into a room with your rock solid chest held high and fully packed guns underneath those sleeves and with a tucked in smaller waist…. need I say more…..?

Checking my Abs for Mr. Miri 2011

Finally – It’s my career requirements. Since I’m only 5’7″ and I don’t have the good looks. The best thing I can control is my physique. Cause I know with determinations and discipline and hardwork (smart-work) I can build a better asset. It’s not easy to be an actor among a field of talents. I’ve got to stand out and having the knowledge I have, I’ve got the upper hand. So I started preparing my body for the war which is to come…. below is the picture of how I look when I came back into Body Fitness.

this is how I enter Hottest Hunks in Malaysia 2009

So all you have to do is ask yourselves….. WHY?