Tag Archives: LMFAO

The Physics of DUMBbells

27 Dec
My Favourite machine – the Cable Machine

You can lift it however you want. Drop it however you want. Press it, raise it, row it… you call it and yet, it’s just dumbbell. Or the cable machine and even the barbell and the smith-machine. Yet it’s just movements right? So are you working out or just moving about in the gym? Are you burning those fats or just wriggling it around? Don’t just go to the gym for the sake of the thought of hitting the gym. Don’t just swing and lift heavy for the sake of working out HARDCORE!

So How? I just love this question. It’s as simple as knowing what your goal is and how to perform the correct form. Don’t rush but FEEL the muscles working. And most of all, YES People there is NO SUCH THING AS THE BEST EXERCISE for Abs, Biceps, Triceps… or any muscle group. It takes a good routine and program to get it work.

You’ve got to understand that muscles are not just 1 chunk of meat. It’s made out of many fibers stitched together to form either a pectoral, a tricep, etc. You know where I’m going. Google search muscles and you will find out it’s a very complex blueprint. So by doing just Barbel Curl alone won’t get the biceps to grow or even a triceps extension will make your tricep ripped. Different exercise works different part of the certain category of muscle. Different width and grip would determine which minor muscle you are working on in that particular targeted muscle.

So don’t waste time, effort and energy going to the gym to move but know what you are doing, know your exercise and work them muscles properly and correctly. Equipments are dead, YOU ARE NOT! so be creative but keep safety in mind and logic too. Feel every rep making sure it’s quality and not quantity. You can have 1000 reps a day but if it’s just reps, hey, i can spell too. MAKE sure QUALITY is the priority and you’ll slice half the time needed to achieve your goal.

Hit it HARD! Hit it RIGHT!

Technogym dumbbell rack