Tag Archives: p90x


28 Nov

Working on my Biceps with the Smith-Machine Rope Curl

Walk into the gym and you see people entering with all sorta fashionable kicks and brands. One corner you see those who enthusiastically performing home workout… in the gym? Sometimes I wonder if they don’t need the dumbbells or barbells or even the machines nor the cardio machines why would they occupy all the space where others wants to utilize them? And drinking those protein or healthy shakes in the gym and the very next moment you see them at the mamak (Indian restaurant) below ordering Roti Canai with heavy curry and Teh Tarik (milk tea)

Fitness is not just 30 – 45 minutes a day in your life. Nor is it 3 – 4 times a week. You can’t just expect to look like Thor with just those minutes. For instance, if you want to court a girl but you only remembers her when she is around do you think you can ever get the girl? If you can constantly think of all sorta ways to court her throughout the day why can’t you maintain your fitness throughout the day? It’s as easy as waking up 15 – 20 minutes earlier to prepare your healthy meals throughout the day, parking your car a little further away from your office so you can walk those 5 extra minutes. Taking those extra steps rather than the lift. Stand whenever possible as standing would use more energy and boost up your metabolism to burn more fats. Drink plain water instead. It’s not very hard is it? I use to carry 3 litres of water in my bag. Now my office have water dispenser.

Fitness is not hard. All you have to do is step out of your comfort zone just a little and the little actions does make a lot of difference.