Tag Archives: taste bud

Eat Clean Train Dirty

16 Aug

Just a random morning

Been 2008 since I change my lifestyle. Starting from a healthier diet. It was extremely strict that I choose not to cheat on my diet at all unless there is some unforeseen circumstances. It was an over night decision. Seeing too many people procrastinating and giving all sorts of reasons to push it further I told myself, “I’m doing it and I’m doing it NOW!”

Well, a lot of people asked me what I eat? so here goes. I started by cleaning out all sugar, salt, simple carbs and junk foods. Which I replace with raw veges, nuts, beans and grains. I stop myself from meat. Doing so I eliminate the chances of missing out on the regular worldly food. Or tempting myself to them by letting them to sit on my shelves. I started preparing my own food. But being a young adult with active social life, soon I find there are tons of situations whereby we are face with temptations. Once I was so determined to kill my taste bud that I stop all social events other that work and boycott social life till my good friend of many years thought it was ridiculous (i think) and came to my condo and dragged me out. By then I’ve already killed and numbed my tastebud to the taste of food and I don’t really bother much how it taste like but what nutrient it contains.

Then in 2009 after seeing changes to my physique I guess it was time to gym again after 9 years away from it. Twas funny. I was so determined on the 1st day that I decide to cycle to the gym. Guess determination was bigger than my strength. I was struggling 1/4 of the journey and by the time I reach the gym 45 minutes later I was breathless. I sat at the stall nearby to rest before I cycle slowly home. At least it was a workout. So being sensible, I took the bus to the gym and did my 1st 15 minutes workout. 3 days a week. after a few weeks i increased the minutes and later increased the days in a week and so forth. It’s been 4 years now since I 1st stepped into the gym again.

I’m still having my oatmeal breakfast everyday without fail. I’m still working out regularly. I still maintain my healthy diet with the benefits of the nutrients as priority. I still don’t care about the taste of the food. Still maintain HIGH FIBER, MODERATE PROTEIN & COMPLEX CARBOHYDRATES, LOW FAT diet.

85% Food 15% Iron

I’ve maintain my physique from beginning of the year till the end of the year for 4 years now. My Health screening results shows healthiest each time I went for a checkup. Most of all I feel AWESOME!

Make HEALTH & FITNESS your LIFESTYLE not a trend to reap the full POTENTIALS!